Become carbon neutral
To be carbon neutral you must measure and offset your carbon emissions. You can attain recognition for doing so by achieving certification through the Australian Government’s Climate Active Network. It’s the best way to demonstrate the credibility of your carbon neutral claim. Join a growing network, working with others to act on climate change.
‘Net zero’ is technically the same however there is an expectation that your emissions will be reduced as far as possible, prior to offsetting via the permanent removal of carbon from the atmosphere. Either way, we can help you decide on and achieve your goals.
SBC has Climate Active Registered Consultants for Organisations, Events, Products, Services and Precincts certification. We also have experience with carbon neutral building certification via the Green Building Council of Australia.
Our Registered Consultants are Suzanne Ridding, Dr Matthias Salomon and Stephanie Bolt.
Why choose SBC to help you become certified carbon neutral?
We have many years of experience in the process of achieving carbon neutrality through Climate Active. We are also a carbon neutral organisation ourselves. We can help set your boundary and scope, create your carbon inventory, help develop your emissions reduction strategy, assist in sourcing carbon offsets and undertake technical assessments.
Measure, reduce, verify data, offset, submit. Sounds easy but if you’d like help contact us.
Read our one-page summary on Climate Active.
Are you a Carbon Neutral Adelaide Partner?
The City of Adelaide’s Sustainability Incentives Scheme provides funding for carbon inventories, audits, emissions reduction strategies and carbon neutral certification. See more.
Join others in the quest for a Carbon Neutral Adelaide – SBC is a proud partner of this initiative.
“We can help you achieve carbon neutral certification and create successful carbon programs with tangible outcomes.” Suzanne Ridding, Sustainable Business Consultants.
Meet some of our Carbon Neutral clients
Uniting Communities was the first charity in Australia and the first organisation in SA to become certified carbon neutral and has the first whole building certification in SA. Driven by a moral desire to act on climate change, this large organisation with nearly 100 community services and more than 800 employees, has attained many benefits from their Climate Active certification including financial savings, enhanced reputation and employee attraction and satisfaction. Read their Climate Active Public Disclosure Statements.

Vulcan Energy is aiming to decarbonise the transition to electric mobility, through its world-first Zero Carbon Lithium™ Project for electric vehicle batteries, and its renewable energy business. As a zero carbon business, Vulcan’s raison d’être is to be a leader in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ensuring sustainability goals are not merely aspirations but govern the way Vulcan operates in practice. Becoming a carbon neutral organisation in 2020 was a natural step for the company to take and, with the help of SBC, this is now being extended to their global operations.
Fuller Brand Communication is a leading independent brand communication agency based in Adelaide, providing a mix of strategy, branding, creative design, communications, public relations, web development, digital marketing, advertising and video/photographic content creation. Fuller is family owned and managed and an employer of more than 20 families. Fuller aims to make a measurable difference to the environment, contribute to a society they can be proud to hand down to their children and grandchildren; and to further build their team culture. Read more about Fuller’s reasons for becoming Certified Carbon Neutral here.

“Being certified carbon neutral with Climate Active shows Government recognition for your responsible carbon action.”